Is circumcision a violation of human rights?

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    • Is circumcision a violation of human rights?

      Lesenswerter Beitrag aus Afrika:
      Critics of circumcision say that it does not cure any disease, injury or any other health problems and since there is no urgency to it, it should wait until the child is old enough to make decision himself. One of the groups advocating this trend of thought is the US based National Organization for Restoring Men (NORM). NORM is dedicated to providing a safe space for circumcised men to share their concerns without being ridiculed for their desire to be intact and whole again. NORM is an affiliate of Foreskin Restoration group in Facebook for men who were deprived of the birth right of an intact body during childhood.
      Other groups such as Libertarians view the practice as unacceptable violation of the autonomy and rights of the individual. This growing movement is seeking ways to have the practice banned on basis that governments have legitimate roles in preventing persons from harming others. They argue that the practice is “horrifying, barbaric and evil and ought to be prohibited by law”. In Kenya, we have Intact Kenya, whose slogan is that “genital autonomy is a human right”.
      While circumcision is a form of trauma for others, it is a source of pride for many who believe their lives are unworthy of dignity on account of it.
      Ein gerupfter Spatz verspottet das Gefieder seiner Artgenossen. (Sorbisches Sprichwort)