Cutting the clitoris: Indonesia continues practice to prevent women from having sex

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    • Cutting the clitoris: Indonesia continues practice to prevent women from having sex

      Interessanter Bericht aus Indonesien:

      FGC in Indonesia is largely symbolic and falls under what the WHO classifies as "Type IV – Unclassified." This type of FGC includes incision, rubbing, scraping, stretching, and pricking and piercing the clitoris or clitoral hood.
      Also alles weniger invasiv als die übliche Form von MGM (und natürlich trotzdem abzulehnen!).

      The women said they had asked that their baby girl have female genital mutilation performed for religious reasons. Other reasons women cited ranged from wanting to ensure the girl’s “cleanliness” (the external female genitalia are considered dirty) and avoiding diseases; to perpetuating cultural or local practices; or seeking to regulate or suppress the girls’ urge towards “sexual activity” during adulthood.
      Klingt alles irgendwie bekannt ...

      As Indonesia's middle class becomes increasingly more economically secure, more Muslim parents are looking for medical professionals to perform FGC on their daughters. Some private midwives, doctors and hospitals even offer cutting as part of their childbirth packages as an added bonus to attract more customers.
      Auch hier kommen Assoziationen an US-Krankenhäuser auf.

      But the medicalization of FGM in Indonesia is actually a concerning trend. Traditional performers of FGM, such as traditional birth attendants, generally perform only “symbolic” cutting – a flick of the clitoris with a penknife, for example, or a swipe of the genitals with a piece of fresh turmeric. Medical professionals, however, reportedly use proper medical tools, such as knives and scissors, and because there is no established medical procedure for FGC, tend to follow what they know about male circumcision.
      Nein, wie übel! Jetzt kommen die Mediziner einfach daher, und machen bei Mädchen das gleiche wie bei Jungen! Geht's noch? /sarcasm

      Although these negative health impacts are less likely to occur in Indonesia, due to the symbolic type of FGC generally practiced there, FGC still represents a violation of women's rights, as it aims to control and regulate female sexuality.
      Male circumcision, on the other hand, does not aim to do so, and is performed for only religious and medical reasons.
      Unglaublich - da liegen die Parallelen glasklar auf dem Tisch, und werden trotzdem geleugnet!
      Wieviel Ignoranz muß jemand haben, um die Augen davor zu verschließen?
      Oben wird noch eingestanden, daß die Übertragung der bei Jungen üblichen Beschneidung auf Mädchen schlimmeren Schaden anrichtet als die eher symbolischen Eingriffe der traditionellen Beschneider - und dann das ...

      Kate Walton is a queer feminist activist, writer, and photographer. She works in maternal health and is passionate about women's rights.
      Aha - Frauenrechte. Männerrechte interessieren die Dame anscheinend nicht.
      Ein gerupfter Spatz verspottet das Gefieder seiner Artgenossen. (Sorbisches Sprichwort)