Die Propagandamaschine auf Hochtouren

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    • Die Propagandamaschine auf Hochtouren

      Rufen wir uns noch mal in Erinnerung:

      Dan Rosenberg Asmussen, chairman of the country's Jewish Community, said the local media was "filled with misinformation about circumcision and its effects".

      Und schon geht's los:

      The myths about circumcision thrive in the media

      Und mit diesen "Fehlinformationen" (Mythen) wird jetzt radikal aufgeräumt!

      (Alle Übersetzungen ins Englische unter Googlish-Vorbehalt)

      No, it is not obvious that circumcision violates the boy's rights, this is actually what is being debated.

      Although it is repeated endlessly, it is also not true that research shows that circumcision destroys the adult man's sex life. The current health evidence in the field actually gives a completely different picture.

      But the Parliamentary consideration of a ban on circumcision obviously can not be based on myths, prejudices and unfounded rumors.

      What do the Muslim and Jewish boys and men about being circumcised when they can talk anonymously to researchers?

      Äh, bitte, wie soll das gehen? Wenn jemand tatsächlich anonym ist, ist nicht bestimmbar ob er Jude, Moslem oder sonst was ist.

      Und natürlich, was fällt wieder? Tätä! Man kann schon vorher Wetten abschließen - ja, der Ausdruck "Kinderschänder". Den fast exklusiv und notorisch die Kinderverstümmelungsbefürworter aufbringen:

      And we must act now, before very negative images of Danish Jews and Muslims as child molesters spreading in society...


      Und so eine Propaganda in "Politiken", da kann sich die Lobby aber wirklich nicht über die Presse beklagen!

      Und wer sind die Autoren?

      Heidi Laura hat ein Buch geschrieben, "Den jødiske verden", (vermtl.: "Die jüdische Welt")

      Who are the Jews, and where do they live? How did the Jews evolved from a very small Near Eastern peoples to a global culture? And what is it that bind ...


      Heidi Laura, 41, is an arts journalist and literary critic, and she is in this context particularly concerned to convey Jewish tradition, science and folklore

      A bit of a happy fagnørd she says. But because she was carrying a fruitful frustration that the Jewish culture and religion was not widely disseminated, she is now an even happier journalist who has a clear ambition to reach a diverse audience of readers.

      As half-Argentinean, Jewish and "academic nerd"....For it is also very much to be Jewish, half Argentine and called Laura surname.

      Heidi Laura belongs to a generation in their 40s who grew up in homes where rituals and traditions are not prominent role. But that's beginning to change, and today it is largely women who breathes life into the Jewish heritage by giving rituals, stories and traditions on to their children.

      Ach soooo ist das....


      Und wie steh es mit Dan Meyrowitsch, der Professor am Institut für öffentliche Gesundheit?

      Was für ein Zufall! "Researchers DAN MEYROWITSCH have Jewish background..."

      Meyrowitsch refers to several studies suggesting that circumcision does not lead to reduced sensitivity.

      Positive effects on health that he mentions is less cervical cancer in women whose partners are circumcised, especially in areas where personal hygiene is not so high.


      Ach so, Meyrowitsch ist auch Mit-Autor der Studie: "'It brought joy in my home as in the area of my wife.' How recently circumcised adult men ascribe value to and make sense of male circumcision"

      Alle Teile des kindlichen Körpers sind Eigentum allein des Kindes. Das Grundrecht auf Eigentum beinhaltet auch das Recht auf Vorhaut.
    • Wer findet den Widerspruch?

      Jewish parents do careful thought about what would be the best choice for their son - they continue not just thoughtlessly an old tradition, as claimed.

      Circumcision symbolizes more than anything else continuity and connectedness across time and space.

      Das Problem ist, egal wie rum ich Beiträge wie diesen auch drehe und wende, ich kann rational zu keinem anderen Ergebnis kommen, als dass die Beschneidung von Kindern nicht akzeptabel ist.

      Because the world never ceases to perceive one as jew, even if you no longer want to be.

      Darum als ein körperliches Mal?

    • Morten Frisch ist aber auch noch da:

      Google Übers. schrieb:

      Readers who have painstakingly chewed their way through my post on December 17 must be amazed at Meyrowitsch's comment. The lecturer claims without team in reality that I have simply used TV2's published figures, extrapolated on the basis of these and ignored the warnings that have been raised from the Danish Health and Medicines Authority against uncritical use of these figures.

      That's not the case.

      Das scheint jetzt ziemlich persönlich zu werden...

      Alle Teile des kindlichen Körpers sind Eigentum allein des Kindes. Das Grundrecht auf Eigentum beinhaltet auch das Recht auf Vorhaut.