Alan Cumming: you lose sensation there if you’re circumcised

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    • Alan Cumming: you lose sensation there if you’re circumcised

      I mean, you lose sensation there if you’re circumcised. From my point of view as a sexual and sensual person, the idea that you would hack away at that and lose sensitivity and nerve endings on the most pleasurable and sensitive part of your body is terrible.…k-not-my-fathers-son.html
      Die Genitalien von Kindern sind nicht für die Bedürfnisse von Erwachsenen da
    • “May the Foreskin Be With You,” the blog post that was supposed to be turned into a book but never happened, is a daringly critical look at routine circumcision of boys and serious health dangers it can incur.

      You’ve also been outspoken for being against circumcision. The routine circumcision of infant boys is commonplace in the U.S. Why is this so important to you?
      AC: When I came to America, I remember being shocked by people being shocked by my body because I was intact. They’d never seen foreskin. They didn’t know what to do with it and I thought why am I being made to feel like a freak? And I thought that was really, really weird and I’m actually intact and this is how I am supposed to look. I thought what’s going on here?
      I think people blindly and thoughtlessly do it as a kind of act, as a sort of social act, because this is what everyone does. And then you learn so many things go wrong. A lot of nerve endings die. Back to my whole thing about sex and pleasure. That part of the body is no longer being protected by the foreskin. Why would you do that? All these awful things can happen. There’s no reason to do it.
      Also, the medical industry is encouraging people to keep doing this
      procedure. It’s unnecessary and, of course, it’s also financially
      attractive to them. The more and more I live in America, the more I feel
      like these pharmaceutical and insurance industries have a stranglehold
      on everybody.

      There’s a real stigma against men who are uncircumcised as being
      unclean and unattractive and odd. Abnormal. That’s something clearly
      learned in American culture.
      AC: Absolutely. It’s absolutely a myth. The whole
      unclean thing is ridiculous. It’s a myth. And one of the most awful and
      hilarious things I’ve heard is some people say you should really get
      circumcised, otherwise you will be mocked in the locker room. So he’ll
      just hack off a bit of his body because he’s not mutilated. I think
      that’s such a terrible, terrible thing. I’m 51 years old. I have
      foreskin. I still have no gangrene.…ting-edge/comment-page-1/
      Die Genitalien von Kindern sind nicht für die Bedürfnisse von Erwachsenen da