Feride Mehmetoğlu: Psychological Impacts of Circumcision

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    • Feride Mehmetoğlu: Psychological Impacts of Circumcision

      Ein Artikel aus der Türkei, der neben unschönen Photos von Komplikationen von BGM auch einen Abschnitt über die psychologischen Auswirkungen hat.

      Many of these men, circumcised as infants, report
      feelings of anger, loss, shame, and a sense of violation.

      There are several reasons why circumcised men might not vocalize their
      feelings (26-30):
      - Cultural beliefs about circumcision, often perceived as beneficial,
      deter introspection
      The intense emotions linked to circumcision are distressing, prompting
      - Fear of ridicule or rejection inhibits open expression.
      - Early-life traumas, typically unconscious, manifest non-verbally,
      affecting attitudes and behaviors.
      This internalized trauma might influence perceptions of masculinity. A
      prevalent fear among American men, potentially tied to circumcision, is
      the anxiety about penis size.
      Though the specific circumstances and age at the time of loss can vary,
      the emotional aftermath of feeling that a crucial part of one’s body is absent
      is a shared experience among those who have undergone procedures like
      mastectomy and, for some, circumcision.
      Furthermore, infant
      circumcision, known to reduce sexual sensitivity, might play an overlooked
      role in the high rates of impotence observed among American men. In a
      study involving men between the ages of 40 and 70, over half reported
      varying degrees of impotence. This prevalence increased with age...

      This practice demands ongoing scrutiny
      and debate, considering its ethical dimensions, particularly concerning
      non-medical circumcisions in minors
      Die Genitalien von Kindern sind nicht für die Bedürfnisse von Erwachsenen da