Experts of the Committee on the Rights of the Child Praise Germany

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    • Experts of the Committee on the Rights of the Child Praise Germany

      Soll man lachen oder weinen?

      One Committee Expert asked if the Government planned to implement a national strategy on mental health. Asylum seeking children only received basic health care services. What measures were in place to extend all available health care services to such children? What measures were in place to prevent overdiagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder? How did the State party address video game and Internet addiction, and rising numbers of complications related to male circumcision?
      Bitte anschnallen!

      Responses by the Delegation...
      The Government was not assuming that attention deficit hyperactivity disorder was over diagnosed in Germany. There were different characteristics of Internet addictions, and it was important to establish a proper diagnosis. There was proper
      support for children in Germany around this. It was not permitted to carry out a circumcision if the child did not give consent, even on medical grounds. All circumcisions had to be carried out by trained medical personnel.

      Die kleinen Ranger wollen das doch! Die lechzen doch danach!…prosecuting-international
      Vorhaut hat Vorteile. Sonst gäbe es sie nicht.