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    • Smegma pearls are not infectious, and proper hygiene is the unique required treatment as the prepuce becomes more retractile [8]. Oster et al. reported that this condition was observed in 5% of healthy children
      Smegma pearls have a natural composition of dead cells and skin oils between the foreskin and the glans. They are benign and they spontaneously resolve over time. Good personal hygiene is sufficient to control smegma pearls. The present work gives further insight into the diagnosis of this condition in circumcised men, yet not reported previously, and helps physicians to improve the treatment and avoid useless interventions. The extraction of smegma pearl using a comedone extractor is a simple, safe, and cheap procedure. However, potential complications of manual expression of smegma out of them could occur. Hence, the best approach is to leave them to resolve naturally over time.…sed-patient-a-case-report
      Willy Brandt: "Es wächst zusammen, was zusammen gehört"
      Leider gilt das nicht für die Teile des Penis.
      Einmal abgetrennt wächst die Vorhaut nicht mehr mit dem Rest-Penis zusammen.
      Nicht nach 40 Jahren, nicht nach einem Tag.