Dänemark: aufgeheizte Debatte im Aalborger Stadtrat

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    • Dänemark: aufgeheizte Debatte im Aalborger Stadtrat

      Google Übersetzung:

      The councillor's statements about circumcision triggered heated debate

      The health and cultural administration must now workA proposal for new efforts in relation to circumcision kicked off the debate in Aalborg City Council, and especially after statements about circumcision from councilor for jobs and welfare Nuuradiin S. Hussein (S). Archive photo: Henrik Bovidere with a DF proposal after an emotional debate

      ALBORG: It started with a DF proposal that Aalborg Municipality, through health care, must inform current and future parents about the risks that k....
      Der Rest kostet 49 Kronen...

      Also nee, über Risiken aufklären? Das schreckt doch Eltern wohl möglich ab! Was für eine brutale Einmischung in rein religiöse Angelegenheiten!

      Die Genitalien von Kindern sind nicht für die Bedürfnisse von Erwachsenen da
    • Noch mehr enttäuschendes aus DK: neun von zehn Kandidaten für den Kopenhagener Stadtrat outen sich als Kinderverräter:

      Google Übers. schrieb:

      At a voter's meeting held in the Jewish Community on Wednesday, nine candidates for Copenhagen's City Council were asked, among other things, their position on circumcision of healthy boys.
      Intact Denmark has collected the eight politicians' positions on the issue, and they read as follows:

      Henrik Nord in Copenhagen Citizens' Representation (Radical Left): Believes that the right to circumcision must be preserved.

      Alex Vanopglagh (Liberal Alliance): Is divided on the issue, but does not believe that circumcision of healthy boys is any major abuse.

      Finn Rudaizky (Danish People's Party): Will maintain the right to male circumcision and emphasizes that the Danish People's Party will not propose an age limit.

      Sisse Marie Welling (Socialist People's Party): Believes that people should decide for themselves (here I think the parents are meant) and is against an age limit for male circumcision.

      Frank Jensen (Social Democracy): Has actively fought against legislation against halal slaughter and schächtning and is of course also against an age limit for circumcision of healthy boys.

      Cecilia Lonning-Skovgaard (Left): There is no wavering here. Strongly opposes an 18-year age limit for circumcision of healthy boys.

      Ninna Hedeager Olsen (Enhedslisten): Believes that both circumcision and circumcision are a right.

      Jakob Næsager (Conservative): Pointed out that Conservatives are in favor of both schächtning and circumcision.
      Schande über sie!

      Allein Niko Grünfeld von den Alternativen hat den Mumm, klar für die genitale Autonomie von Kindern einzustehen. Dafür Bravo! :thumbup:

      Die Genitalien von Kindern sind nicht für die Bedürfnisse von Erwachsenen da