Morten Frisch: "Social control and Stigmatization"

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    • Morten Frisch: "Social control and Stigmatization"

      Google Übers. schrieb:

      Chief Physician: It sounds hollow when proponents of ritual circumcision of boy children talk about stigma

      Ritual boy circumcision is in its essence social control and stigmatization, writes chief physician Morten Frisch

      Google Übers. schrieb:

      The chairman of the Jewish Community, Henri Goldstein , on 2 December and the Jewish-Muslim-dominated association Circuminfo on 7 December warn against the stigmatization of Jews and Muslims they claim will be the consequence of the new health policy, which has just been adopted in Ballerup Municipality .

      Here, current and future parents from circumcision cultures must in future be informed about the significant risks and consequences that boy circumcision is associated with. And by the way, they should be encouraged to postpone the decision until the boy can make it himself...
      Super! Endlich ein kleiner Lichtblick! Das ist ein FORTSCHRITT! :thumbup:

      Google Übers. schrieb:

      In Denmark, it recently emerged in the population survey Project Sexus that every 18th ritually circumcised man is dissatisfied with his parents having him circumcised.
      Seltsam, sehr merkwürdig! Bei uns hieß es doch 2012 gebetsmühlenartig: "die sind doch alle bestens zufrieden damit"

      Ritual boy circumcision is in its essence social control and stigmatization. And it is this painful, risky and permanently sensitivity-reducing stigma that 80-90 percent of the population and 96 percent of the city council members in Ballerup Municipality want to protect future generations of boys and men against.
      Danke, Ballerup! Irgendwo in Dänemark scheint Hirn (und Empathie für Jungen) vom Himmel gefallen zu sein!

      Tak skal du have, Morten Frisch!…g-af-drengeboern-taler-om
      Alle Teile des kindlichen Körpers sind Eigentum allein des Kindes. Das Grundrecht auf Eigentum beinhaltet auch das Recht auf Vorhaut.