"mangling the boy’s genitalia"

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    • "mangling the boy’s genitalia"

      Unfassbar, was gesunden kleinen Jungen im Namen der Tradition angetan wird.

      Fewer than two weeks after the Board of Medicine decided to revoke his medical license because of a patient’s death, former OB-GYN Berto Lopez performed a circumcision on a 10-day-old infant for $250 cash, hitting an artery and mangling the boy’s genitalia, the parents say.
      It was not the first time Lopez had botched a circumcision, according to court documents.
      Offenbar können Ärzte nach Pfusch einfach erst mal weitermachen.

      The news from the urologist was devastating.“He said he hadn’t seen a wound like this except maybe one other time in his career. He confirmed one-third of the head of the penis was cut off,”
      They said it probably wouldn’t work as a criminal case,” the father said.
      Verdammt, jede Genitalverstümmelung von gesunden Kindern ist kriminell!

      In July 2019, a lawsuit was filed against Lopez accusing him of negligence in performing a circumcision at Good Samaritan Medical Center.
      In this incident, according to the lawsuit, Lopez completely amputated the penis. The lawsuit was settled.
      Und darf einfach weitermachen. Unfassbar.

      The mother said the news of permanent damage was earth-shattering.
      Die Eltern sollten mal darüber nachdenken, warum sie ihr Kind mit einer völlig überflüssigen und per se immer schädlichen Operation diesem Risiko ausgesetzt haben

      Die Genitalien von Kindern sind nicht für die Bedürfnisse von Erwachsenen da
    • So was gibt es ja angeblich nur im Urwald... Aber auch in Florida oder Nürnberg
      Erstmal ist festzuhalten, dass jede Zirkumzision den Penis beschädigt, denn die Vorhaut ist ja Teil des Penisses.
      Aber gemeint sind natürlich Beschädigungen des Penis-Rests, z.B. der Eichel.

      ...and damaged penises resulting from shoddy circumcisions – it would take 33 years, an eternity for Dr. Lopez' victims, before the state Board of Medicine finally stripped him of his license.
      The baby lost a third of his penis and his urethra was cut, they said.
      Lopez had told the parents not to worry, that the bleeding was normal. He insisted on a $250 cash payment.

      Die Genitalien von Kindern sind nicht für die Bedürfnisse von Erwachsenen da