USA: Ronald Goldman in der Washington Post

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    • USA: Ronald Goldman in der Washington Post

      Es ist sicherlich nicht möglich, die Auswirkungen des Kölner Urteils auf die Beschneidungsdebatte in den USA hier adäquat darzustellen. Sehr lesenswert ist allerdings beispielsweise dieser Kommentar von Ronald Goldman in der Washington Post:

      Expanding the debate around circumcision - The Washington Post

      Most of Germany (and the world) does not circumcise. It is instinctively viewed as harmful. Here’s why:

      — Studies show that circumcision causes significant pain and trauma based on various physiological and behavioral changes. Sometimes infants do not cry because they are in traumatic shock. Other effects can include disrupted bonding between parent and child and risk of surgical complications.

      — Imagine yourself being forcefully restrained and having a part of your genitals cut off. Anyone would be traumatized. Studies confirm that infants feel pain more than adults. If you have any doubt about the advisability of circumcision, watch a video of one and trust your feelings.

      — There could be additional unknown negative effects of circumcision that have not been studied. National medical organizations in other countries recommend against circumcision. Some doctors who are aware of the harm refuse to perform circumcisions because of ethical reasons.
    • Das klingt - man verzeihe mir das Klischee - typisch amerikanisch. Erklärungen für Doofe.
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      "Imagine yourself being forcefully restrained and having a part of your genitals cut off."

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