Marion Hulverscheidt: "Homeopathy, Orificial Surgery, and the Clitoris in the United States...."

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    • Marion Hulverscheidt: "Homeopathy, Orificial Surgery, and the Clitoris in the United States...."

      Ein Text, der vor Verständnis für den berüchtigten Arzt Edwin Pratt, der im 19. Jahrhundert die Vorhautamputation bei Mädchen und Jungen propagierte nur so trieft.

      Wikipedia schrieb:

      Pratt's "orificial philosophy" held that most health problems were due to malformations of the orifices—all orifices of the body, including the nose and mouth, but usually specifically those located below the waist. The numbers of those subjected to orificial surgery during its brief heyday are estimated in the tens of thousands
      Pratt's ideas do not appear to have ever had any evidentiary backing. The remarkable success of his ideas, which drew hundreds of surgeons to the cause, has been attributed to his "salesmanship skills"...
      Pratt frequently prescribed circumcision and other adjustments of the genitals as a preventative for masturbation and other "unnatural" behaviors.....
      He advocated removal of the hood of the clitoris as a cure for female masturbation, and hysterectomies as a cure for female insanity.
      Ach ja, Pratt war auch Homöopath, und Hulverscheidt scheint stark homöopathisch angehaucht zu sein. Sie bastelt sogar eine Brücke zwischen Genitalverstümmelung und Homöopathie.

      Universität Kassel, Schande, Schande! Mit unseren Steuern finanziert.
      Stopping nerve waste and active circulation of the blood are goals to achieve. And the
      sexual organs in both sexes do have an essential connection to the sympathetic nervous
      system (Pratt, Orificial Surgery 18). So the waste of sexual power causes a waste of
      sympathetic nervous power in both sexes.

      Hulverscheidt schrieb:

      Surgical alterations of the vulva, especially the clitoris, are currently addressed either
      as female genital mutilation or as a consented aesthetic surgery. But the bloody alterations of
      the vulva performed by orificial surgeons cannot so easily be categorized in this dichotomous
      Quacksalberei, verstümmelnde, auch noch relativieren!…t_Orificial-Surgery-1.pdf
      Vorhaut hat Vorteile. Sonst gäbe es sie nicht.