Promise of enjoyable sex

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    • Promise of enjoyable sex

      Hätte auch gut in die HOS gepasst:

      When The Standard caught up with Mr Otwane at Finlay’s Kaproret tea estate, the father of five children said he was convinced by medical research. It indicates that besides making men and their women enjoy sex more, circumcision reduces men’s risk of heterosexually-acquiring HIV and some other sexually transmitted infections.
      Aha. Als Haupteffekt wird also besserer Sex versprochen. "Sex sells".

      “Most of the tea pluckers who are not circumcised have really embraced it now. Some as old as 60. Most prefer to undergo the voluntary medical male circumcision during school holidays,” said the nursing officer, who honed her circumcision skills through Finlays’ partner Walter Reed project.

      Klar behauptet das der, der daran verdient. Der Schlachter sagt auch, dass die Viecher es lieben geschlachtet zu werden.

      Most of the youngsters who are taken to the dispensary by their parents to undergo the male circumcision are 10-15 years old
      Wohl doch mal eher wieder Kinderverstümmeln.
      Vermutlich lieben die Kinder die Vorzüge der vorhautlosen Selbstbefriedigung.…ision-uptake-among-adults
      Vorhaut hat Vorteile. Sonst gäbe es sie nicht.