Ending Unnecessary Surgeries

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    • Ending Unnecessary Surgeries

      The real question doctors should be asking is how many more of their patients need to suffer before medically unnecessary surgeries end.Medical and policy leaders have noted the need for a fundamental change in approach. United Nations human rights experts; the World Health Organization; Amnesty International; Physicians for Human Rights; every major lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender legal organization in the United States; the American Medical Association Board of Trustees in 2016; three former US surgeons general in 2017; two US pediatrics associations later that year; and intersex-led organizations around the world have called for an end to medically unnecessary non-consensual surgeries on intersex kids.
      Die WHO in ihrer ganzen Scheinheiligkeit.
      Warum eigentlich nur Intersexuelle (und Mädchen) schützen? Warum nur Kinder schützen, bei denen etwas von der Norm abweicht? Was ist an normalen, gesunden Jungen verkehrt?

      Ending the Intersex Exception: The Battle for Informed Consent for People Born with Atypical Sex Characteristics
      Warum nicht für alle? Warum nur für "atypische"? Was ist an "Informed Consent" in Bezug auf "normale Jungen" falsch? Keine Zustimmung (weil zu jung) - keine Amputation!
      Alle Teile des kindlichen Körpers sind Eigentum allein des Kindes. Das Grundrecht auf Eigentum beinhaltet auch das Recht auf Vorhaut.