Großbritannien: Mutter verklagt Arzt nach Beschneidung ihres Sohnes

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    • Großbritannien: Mutter verklagt Arzt nach Beschneidung ihres Sohnes

      Lois Rogers For The Mail On Sunday schrieb:

      A British GP is to be prosecuted by an outraged mother for assault after circumcising her baby boy without her consent.
      It is the first time legal aid has supported such an action and, if successful, campaigners claim the case could open the floodgates for a new wave of ‘male genital mutilation’ complaints from men who say they were subjected to the procedure as children, before they could decide for themselves.
      The operation took place when the baby, whose parents are separated, was taken to visi his father’s family.
      Der getrennt lebende Vater hat ohne Wissen der Mutter den Sohn beschneiden lassen.
      Ich hoffe mal, das ist in GB illegal.
      Interessant dürfte werden, als wie schwer das Gericht diesen Eingriff wertet - hoffentlich nicht als Bagatelle.

      Es gibt gute Unterstützung für die Mutter.

      Lois Rogers For The Mail On Sunday schrieb:

      Tim Alford of the pressure group Men Do Complain, which is supporting the woman’s case, says there is a growing backlash against the ‘male genital mutilation’ involved in circumcision.John Warren, 74, a retired physician from Harlow, Essex, who has been campaigning against child circumcision for 20 years, said: ‘A lot of men say they feel mutilated.’
      David Smith of pressure group Genital Autonomy, which also represents angry circumcised men, added: ‘We’re hoping the case will open the floodgates for other complaints and a clarification that circumcision of non-consenting children is a human rights abuse.’
      The British Medical Association says that it is revising its ethical guidelines on circumcision, which currently say: ‘It is for society to decide what limits should be imposed on parental choice.’ The new document is expected to be published sometime in the next year.
      Vielleicht löst das ja mal eine größere Debatte in GB aus, die dann hoffentlich anders verläuft als in D 2012.
      Nützt dem Jungen leider nichts mehr, aber wenigstens könnte es andere vor diesem Schicksal bewahren.
      Ein gerupfter Spatz verspottet das Gefieder seiner Artgenossen. (Sorbisches Sprichwort)