Healthy foreskin tissue samples from circumcisions collected in the Urology Department of the People’s Liberation Army

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    • Healthy foreskin tissue samples from circumcisions collected in the Urology Department of the People’s Liberation Army

      Volksbefreiungsarmee? Wird da das Volk von der Vorhaut "befreit"?
      Wenn die Vorhäute gesund sind, warum amputiert man sie?

      Healthy foreskin tissue samples from cir-
      cumcisions collected in the Urology Department
      of the People’s Liberation Army General Hospital
      served as healthy control and were processed
      in the same way as the lesion tissues were.
      In Sachen Organentnahmen soll in China ja auch so einiges laufen *schauder*…condylomata-acuminata.pdf
      Vorhaut hat Vorteile. Sonst gäbe es sie nicht.