Perhaps the most compelling parallel example against circumcision....

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    • Perhaps the most compelling parallel example against circumcision....

      Melanie Jansen schrieb:

      Perhaps the most compelling parallel example against circumcision being in the zone of parental discretion is the absolute prohibition, in western countries, of all forms of female genital cutting, including non-function-limiting ritual nicks.
      Aber ist doch klar: Jahrtausende wurde Mädchen benachteiligt, jetzt werden halt mal Jungen benachteiligt. Tit for tat! (Ironie)
      The harm associated with inadequate pain relief in neonates is well established,[9-11] as is the inadequacy of topical anaesthetic cream alone in this situation.[12]
      434 Abgeordnete des deutschen Bundestages haben gesagt: "Emla muss reichen!" und für den §1631d BGB gestimmt. Die sollten sich schämen.

      A large survey study of GPs in Canada in the 1990s revealed that the majority perform circumcision with no anaesthetic at all and a very small proportion use topical anaesthetic cream alone

      There are no comparable studies of Australian GPs, but information provided on websites of practices that provide circumcision would suggest that topical anaesthetic cream alone is the usual pain management technique.

      Likewise, if DPNB combined with topical anaesthetic cream is considered the appropriate standard of pain management
      Ist er aber nicht. Genitaloperationen an Kindern erfordern eine Vollnarkose.

      Finally, if we agree, it is essential that parents be given accurate, unbiased information in order to make an informed choice, then it seems very likely that often even this basic standard of surgical care is not being met. One needs only visit the websites of some medical practices that provide circumcision to see that the information provided does not align with the recommendations made by most paediatric medical bodies.
      Das geht in der Politik nach dem Motto: Bloß keine schlafenden Hunde wecken. Keiner traut sich aus der Deckung.

      While the Intactivists may find this unsatisfactory, when ethics is practiced outside of an ivory tower, pragmatism is essential. It is highly unlikely that circumcision will be made illegal in Australia in the foreseeable future. While this does not mean that campaigns at legislative and policy level should cease, it does mean that minimising the harms associated with circumcision is an urgent priority.
      Wenn man mit dem Elfenbeinturm argumentiert, kann man den DPNB (Peniswurzelblock) aber auch gleich wieder vergessen. Verstößt gegen religiöse Gebote, fertig.

      Der Artikel von Melanie Jansen hat Morris gar nicht geschmeckt, und er musste gleich wieder eines von seinen berüchtigten Pamphleten verfassen.

      Melanie Jansen hat sich sogar noch die Mühe gemacht, auf diesen Stuß einzugehen.

      Das kann Morris nicht auf sich sitzen lassen. Popcorn! ^^
      Vorhaut hat Vorteile. Sonst gäbe es sie nicht.