The good news...what about anesthetics? No strict rule...

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    • The good news...what about anesthetics? No strict rule...

      Lorenz Schulz schrieb:

      The good news
      Good news with the draft: There is the reference to the purpose (“Zweck”) of circumcision, no criterion of religion, thus including the case of non-religious circumcision and avoiding the distinction between “good” and “bad” religion. The decisive criterion for ruling the decision of parents (who of course have to be fully informed about the risks) lawful is that there is no jeopardy for the welfare of the child (“Gefährdung des Kindeswohls”).Then, what about anesthetics? No strict rule (“im Einzelfall geboten”). And the professionality of the circumcisor? In the first six months of the child, no strict requirement of a doctor.…summer-of-circumcision/4/

      No strict rules heisst in der Praxis jede Eltern so, wie sie möchten also in vielen Fällen volles Schmerz-Programm. Kontrolle weder gewünscht noch möglich.

      Das ist "die gute Nachricht"!
      Vorhaut hat Vorteile. Sonst gäbe es sie nicht.