DK: Die erstaunliche Vorhaut

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    • DK: Die erstaunliche Vorhaut

      Leider nur Googlish, (dänisch müsste man können!)

      The amazing foreskin - a celebration of the penis sens features and sensitivity

      In the debate on circumcision mentioned men foreskin often as superfluous, but is it true?

      We are talking about sensitivity, spiders, Greek gods, circumcision and all the quirky options that foreskin offers for men and their partners.
      Getting happy with all your questions about penises, foreskin, circumcision and sexuality. Do not despair if you are circumcised. There are plenty of options. Those we come also into.

      Lena Nyhus is chairwoman of Intact Europe - Association against child circumcision. Intact Denmark works for all people's basic right to own body, to define her sexuality and religious freedom.

      The lecture is part of Sexologifestivalen organized by Sexologiskolen.…g-af-penissens-funktioner
      Vorhaut hat Vorteile. Sonst gäbe es sie nicht.
    • Wer allerdings in DK regelmäßig ohne Unterlass gegen Jungenrechte und pro Genitalverstümmelung schießt ist das "Kristelig Dagblad" (Christliche Tageszeitung).

      (Alles Googlish)

      There is crucial difference between boys' and girls circumcision

      There is no serious scientific studies documenting significant
      problems at the boy circumcision when the surgery is performed under
      safe and hygienic conditions in healthy boys, think debaters.

      Jeremy Wilson's comparison of male circumcision and FGM is not only
      without evidence of facts, it is also an affront to the women who live
      with debilitating sequelae of FGM, and against the girls who seek
      protection in Denmark
      "safe and hygienic conditions" : Immer aufschlussreich, was wegelassen wird z.B. Betäubung. Denn zu "Diversity" gehört ja auch die Auffassung, dass Betäubung das Ritual verfälscht.

      Jeremy Wilson argues that boy circumcision is contrary to the UN Convention and the Council of Europe Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine, also called Bioethics Convention. It is not correct. The UN Convention referred to "traditional practices that are harmful to children's health" (Article 24, paragraph. 3). The intention of the formulation is to protect against circumcision of girls, no boy circumcision.

      Ian C. Forest Place, Jette Møller, Sohail Asghar, Nanna Solow, Dan Meyrowitsch is active in the association Right to Diversity - CircumInfo
      Die kümmern sich noch um Jungenrechte! ;)…-drenge-og-pigeomskaering

      Ach Gott, Jette Møller, die zieht ja eine lange Jungen-Blutspur:

      Circuminfo scheint so eine Art dänischer Ableger von Circinfo zu sein.

      Right to be different - CircumInfo
      Balanced, science-based information about the ritual circumcision of boys
      Balanced, ho-ho! :D

      CircumInfo schrieb:

      Ritual circumcision - facts rather than prejudices

      Nobody wants to talk about foreskin for hours. But take a moment to get the basics in this case. So, you are not a victim of the unsubstantiated claims and myths that characterize the debate.

      We believe that people can think for themselves
      OK; warum lasst ihr die dann nicht selbst entscheiden? ?(
      Vorhaut hat Vorteile. Sonst gäbe es sie nicht.