...it was deemed acceptable as a religious ritual

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    • ...it was deemed acceptable as a religious ritual

      Naomi Kaye Honova schrieb:

      However, by German cultural standards, circumcision is extremely uncommon and often looked down upon—it was a huge subject for debate in Germany in 2012 after a young Muslim boy had some complications after the procedure. This resulted in a brief period where circumcision was illegal in some parts of Germany, but then after an uproar from the Jewish and Muslim communities, it was deemed acceptable as a religious ritual that must be done within the first six months of the baby’s life...
      "it was deemed acceptable" bei einer Minderheit, nicht bei der Mehrheit.

      I’m not yet sure of my child’s gender, but if it’s a boy, we would want to have a brit milah for the baby, which isn’t always the easiest endeavor in Germany. You are allowed to have a circumcision for religious purposes—so a bris is absolutely possible—but there aren’t many mohels (circumcision professionals) in central Europe. If we do find out we are expecting a boy and want the traditional ceremony, we’ll have to book one well in advance...

      Und das trotz §1631d!

      Dass unsere "Volksvertreter" da noch nicht reagiert haben - "jüdisches Leben in Deutschland" ist ja offensichtlich in Gefahr (wenn man die Standardphrase von 2012 ernst nimmt)
      Das kann doch sicher nicht mehr lange dauern, bis die Regierung eine "Kulturförderung" springen lässt - weitere Preise, Ehrungen und Auszeichnungen wären der Oberkomikerin sicher.

      Additionally, if we had a boy and gave him a bris, I’m sure some of our German friends and acquaintances might hesitate in attending, because many Germans view circumcision as unusual and controversial. On the other hand, I think many of our friends here would be excited to attend for the exact reason—they have never been to a bris before.
      Es gibt wahrscheinlich immer welche, die auf solche Art "excitement" stehen. Bei Unfällen gibt es ja auch immer "Schaulustige"

      Aber wenigstens das Sozialsystem in Deutschland findet Gefallen...

      Wie sagte Stefan Kramer noch 2012? "Die jüdische Gemeinde muss über Beschneidung reden"

      Vorhaut hat Vorteile. Sonst gäbe es sie nicht.