The defunding of circumcision is a good cost saving measure

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    • The defunding of circumcision is a good cost saving measure

      Intact men and boys have no more issues with their penises than their circumcised counterparts, despite the hype. For the most part, the statistics for the various problems associated with being uncircumcised are comparable, and in
      some cases are even lower in Europe, despite its much lower circumcision rate, than in the
      United States. Thus, looking at comparable cultures and levels of prosperity, the evidence
      indicates that routinely circumcising infant males does not save money.

      Die Evolution ist halt nicht blöd. Sie erfindet nicht Körperteile um dem Menschen zu schaden…nding-of-Circumcision.pdf.
      Vorhaut hat Vorteile. Sonst gäbe es sie nicht.