Die rechtliche Lage in der Türkei

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    • Die rechtliche Lage in der Türkei

      Turkish law.
      It is clearly established under Turkish law that the corporeal integrity of a person cannot be violated and that a person has rightright to life and is entitled to protect and improvehis/herimprove corporeal and spiritual existence.
      Likewise, it is also provided for that the interference to corporeal integrity of a person can only be possible under medicalnecessimedical ty2 and in cases prescribed by law andand that a person can only be subjected toto scientific or medical experiments with his/her consent. In our study, first of all the

      The corporeal integrity of the individual shall not be violated except under medical necessity and in cases prescribed byby law; and shall not be subjected to scientific or medical experiments without his/her
      No one shall be subjected to torture or mal-treatment; no one shall be subjected to penalties or treatment incompatible with human dignity.

      No one shall be compelled to worship, or to participate in religious rites and ceremonies, or to reveal religious beliefs
      and convictions, or be blamed or accused because of his religious beliefs and convictions.

      Every child has the right to protection and care and the right to have and maintain a personal and direct relationship with his/her mother and father unless it is
      contrary to his/her higher interests.
      The State shall take measures for thethe protection of the children against all kinds of abuse and violence”.

      As circumcision is evaluated within the scope of a medical intervention, for thethe conditions of medical intervention andaccand eptance thereof as a ground for compliance with law in Turkish law, the medical intervention must be compulsory.
      This necessity is the illustration of a state expressing that medical intervention is basedbased on justifiable causes

      It is possible in Turkish law toto determine that the circumcision is also legally accepted. The legal framework of the person and institutions authorized to execute the circumcision performed without criminal necessity25, Article 3 of the Law Upon Mode of Execution of Medicine and Medical Sciences No. 1219 provides the surgical
      procedure and expresses that circumcision is such a procedure. Legally it is stated that the person authorized to perform this must be a medical doctor and that only doctors can perform the circumcision and only at the institutions authorized to intervene medically26.

      Hey, die sind ja strikter (auf dem Papier) als wir!

      Aber keine Bange, keine Bange, am Ende wird doch alles "gut" - im Sinne von traditioneller Erwachsenenbelustigung (Beschneidungsfest!) und Jungenverstümmelung.

      Dass es bei der Prozedur eigentlich nicht um das Wohl des Kindes, sondern das Amüsement Erwachsener geht kommt auch per Richterspruch klar zu Audsruck:

      . In fact, it is seen that the defendant mother, by hiding the circumcision ceremony that can occur once in a lifetime and deemed as the happiness and pride of a parent according to Turkish custom and usage and particularly going abroad hide her address from

      Therefore, the circumcision has never been seen as an act constituting a crime.
      However the superficial characterizationthe topic in this manner, the act’s being tried to be explained with the social compliance, are insufficient to explain the circumcision
      legally. For this reason that is required to be made is the legalization of the topic withclear regulation exactly as in German Law.

      Ist das nicht tragikkomisch? Deutschland als rechtliches Kinderverstümmelungsvorbild - für die Türkei! *Kotz*

      Vorhaut hat Vorteile. Sonst gäbe es sie nicht.
    • Womit dann auch die letzten Zweifel beseitigt sind, dass der "Kinderkanal" ("Tahsins Beschneidung") eine illegale (sowohl nach türkischem als auch nach deutschem Recht) Körperverletzung an einem Kind gezeigt hat.

      Denn der "Beschneider" von Tahsin und seinem Bruder war kein Arzt, und beide Kinder waren älter als sechs Monate.


      PS: was kommt als nächstes beim Kika? Eine ("ganz normale" (93% aller Mädchen) religiös-obligatorische (Fatwa Committee of Malaysia's National Council of Islamic Religious Affairs) Mädchenbeschneidung in einer Klinik in Malaysia?

      Nein, igitt, das kann man Kindern doch nicht zumuten! ;) (Pino) :FP01
      Vorhaut hat Vorteile. Sonst gäbe es sie nicht.