Double Standard - der Kaiser ist nackt

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    • Double Standard - der Kaiser ist nackt

      Hatten wir den schon?

      Andrew DeLaney

      Justifying FGM and Male Circumcision

      Given the facts, there is no meaningful difference between FGM and MC, as shocking a claim as that may be to some, and there is no legal or moral justification for differing treatment under the law. Perhaps because of the sameness of life experiences of human rights activists, who are unable to see beyond their own cultural/religious biases, perhaps because those who do see the facts for what they are, are afraid to be trouble makers or rabble rousers who speak up first and voice their honest opinion, the UN has adopted a course that sends a strong message to the rest of the world that it will only pursue their stated objectives to the extent that it does not conflict with the interests of powerful political and religious groups. With the facts showing such strong similarities between MC and FGM going completely unaddressed both in popular discourse and under the law, one is reminded of the story of The Emperor Has No Clothes, where a situation is so obvious that nobody wants to say anything.
      Alle Teile des kindlichen Körpers sind Eigentum allein des Kindes. Das Grundrecht auf Eigentum beinhaltet auch das Recht auf Vorhaut.