Calming effect of sweet taste have been known for a long time

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    • Calming effect of sweet taste have been known for a long time

      569-632 AD: Prophet Mohammed. “give infants a well chewed date”

      1545: Boke of Chyldren: For crying at night: “...and if ye can gette any syrup of popye, geue it the chylde to licke...”

      1845: Perry Davis Pain Killer (sugar, alcohol & opiates)

      1917: Mixture of sugar and alcohol during circumcision

      1960’s-1970s: Honey/glycerine on pacifiers

      1981-1998: Nilstat used in the NICU to stop babies crying (12.5% sucrose)…castPresentationFINAL.pdf
      "Man muss diese versteinerten Verhältnisse dadurch zum Tanzen zwingen, dass man ihnen ihre eigne Melodie vorsingt!" K.M.