Mohelim gegen EMLA

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    • Mohelim gegen EMLA

      What about topical anesthetics?
      Many families today tell me their doctor has recommended using a numbing cream (topical anesthetic) before the bris. As a mohel who has successfully been performing circumcisions for over 30 years without such methods, I am concerned that doctors are making this recommendation. Current and readily available information on using topical anesthetics yields the following warnings:
      1. 1. Topical creams are to be used only on normal, unbroken skin. They are not to be applied to damaged skin or open wounds.
      2. Possible side effects include: abnormal skin sensations; burning; change in hot or cold sensation; pale skin; redness or swelling at the application site.
      3. Caution is advised when using a topical anesthetic in children younger than 3 months old; they may be more sensitive to its effects, especially blood problems.
      4. A child may become dizzy, excessively sleepy or develop duskiness of the face or lips after applying the cream. If this happens, the cream should be removed and the child's physician contacted at once.
      5. There have been reports of significant methemoglobinemia (20%-30%) in infants and children following excessive applications of the cream.
      6. These products have not been formulated, tested or approved for use on newborns.
      7. The most extreme reaction to a topical anesthetic cream resulted in the death of an adult.
      My own personal experience in performing brisses or circumcisions where the parents have decided to use topical anesthetic creams has shown:
      1. There is always much more bleeding after the bris when a topical cream was used.
      2. There have been several brisses that had to be postponed because the circumcision site was severely distorted by swelling caused by the cream.
      3. The baby cries equally whether a topical anesthetic has been used or not. He cries when his diaper is removed and he is exposed to the cold air, and he also cries when his legs are briefly held or restrained. No anesthetic will prevent that.
      4. Topical creams need to be applied about 1 hour prior to the bris. Practically speaking, the mohel generally arrives between 15-20 minutes before the beginning of the ceremony, which means the family has to apply the topical anesthetic ahead of time, and they may be unsure how to do it correctly.
      5. If a family does choose to use an anesthetic cream, the mohel has to make sure it is completely removed from the circumcision area immediately before he performs the bris. Otherwise, the area is too slippery and may affect the mohel's ability to grasp the skin properly.
      6. The head of the Anesthesiology Department of a major New York hospital stopped the neonatology unit from using the topical cream before circumcisions. The reason she gave, and I quote, "It is dangerous and inappropriate."
      "Man muss diese versteinerten Verhältnisse dadurch zum Tanzen zwingen, dass man ihnen ihre eigne Melodie vorsingt!" K.M.
    • werner schrieb:

      It is dangerous and inappropriate
      Willkommen bei Orwell. Dass die Beschneidung selbst gefährlich und nicht angebracht ist, darauf kommt keiner?!
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      • Alle Wahrheit verläuft in drei Stadien: Im ersten wird sie verlacht. Im zweiten wird sie vehement bekämpft. Im dritten wird sie als selbstverständlich anerkannt (Arthur Schopenhauer).
      • Toleranz wird zum Verbrechen, wenn sie dem Bösen gilt (Thomas Mann)