Sweet Ease - This product is for hospital use only

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    • Sweet Ease - This product is for hospital use only

      "This product is for hospital use only."

      "Sucrose is to be used for relief of pain during minor procedures...

      Use sucrose for additional pain relief in conjunction with other pharmacologic agents for procedures such as...circumcision block...

      A physician order is required before using sucrose (in the future, this order will be included in the order set and prechecked unless unchecked by physician.

      What are potential adverse effects?

      -Limited research has been done on risks associated with sucrose administration.

      -Slight transient desaturation may be noted depending on volume of solution utilized and administration technique used.

      -Excessive use of sucrose could cause hyperglycemia in newborn.

      -Use caution during administration of sucrose to avoid gagging or choking.

      -Long-term effects of the use of this medication are not yet studied, so this, as with any other medication, should be used according to guidelines."

      "Man muss diese versteinerten Verhältnisse dadurch zum Tanzen zwingen, dass man ihnen ihre eigne Melodie vorsingt!" K.M.