Circumcision vs. Foreskin: Which Is the Fetish?

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    • Circumcision vs. Foreskin: Which Is the Fetish?

      Der bekannte amerikanische Intaktivist hat einen interessanten Artikel über Beschneidungsfetischismus als "Argument" geschrieben.

      "The fetish accusation can go both ways; if a person cannot be sexually gratified unless a man has anatomically correct genitalia, if being circumcised is a deal-breaker, if that person is turned off by pornography with circumcised men in it, then it could be said that a person may have a "foreskin fetish." Therefore, only someone who for whom circumcision or the foreskin poses no obstacle for sexual gratification, one way or the other, can be said to not be harboring any kind of "fetish.""…skin-which-is-fetish.html
      "Man muss diese versteinerten Verhältnisse dadurch zum Tanzen zwingen, dass man ihnen ihre eigne Melodie vorsingt!" K.M.