Neugeborene als "freiwillige" Untersuchungsobjekte

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    • Neugeborene als "freiwillige" Untersuchungsobjekte

      Über die ethische Problematik, wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen an neugeborenen "Freiwilligen" durchzuführen, berichtet der folgende Artikel.

      "So, what the big picture tells us is that what these researchers at TriHealth Good Samaritan Hospital in Cincinnati, Ohio, are doing, is an experiment on human, American babies, which knowingly causes pain, without any existing condition or disease removes normal healthy and functional erogenous tissue from non-consenting "volunteers" (with no regard for the future preference of the adults they will become), subjects healthy individuals to amputative surgery, and risks causing iatrogenic harm to those babies, practicing a XIX century "elective" surgery (which again, they did not elect) with obsolete and dangerous equipment."

      "Personally, it bothers me that the 3 listed researchers are females. I wonder if I'm the only one who sees something wrong in 3 female researchers looking for the best way to slice and skin babies penises. In a way they are doing to babies almost the same thing that Lorena Bobbitt did to her husband, except that they are doing it protected under medical license and with the subterfuge of research."

      CircLeaks: Call to Action: Clinical trial of Mogen vs Gomco circumcision clamps at the Good Samaritan Hospital in Cincinnati, Ohio

      Eine Liste weiterer derzeit stattfindender Untersuchungen zur Beschneidung findet sich hier.

      Circumcision - Clinical trials - NHS Choices
      "Man muss diese versteinerten Verhältnisse dadurch zum Tanzen zwingen, dass man ihnen ihre eigne Melodie vorsingt!" K.M.