Break the Silence

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    • Break the Silence

      "Health care professionals from Geneva to African ministries of health to hospitals and clinics in towns and cities across Africa have largely ignored HIV transmission through health care. As far as I can see, their silence comes at least in part from not wanting or not knowing how to tell the public there is a problem. Because health care professionals have not wanted to talk about the problem, it’s up to the public at risk to break the silence. Here are some suggestions about what people can do to break the silence and thereby to protect themselves and others."

      "Combining information from all five studies, the median (middle) impact of reported sexual risk on an adult’s rate to get HIV was 1.65. This result – that possible sexual exposure to HIV fell far short of doubling his or her risk to get HIV – suggests that sex accounts for far less than half of new HIV infections among adults."

      "The main finding is that VMMC is driven by money, by donor funding. There are copious amounts of donor funding available for male circumcision, but there are is very little funding for healthcare, unsafe or otherwise, education, infrastructure, employment or any other area of development. Everyone involved in HIV, health, development, etc, needs to apply for donor funding and they know they are wasting their time if they apply for funding for things donors don’t currently place any emphasis on. Everyone knows that HIV projects get funding, but only certain kinds: these must presuppose that almost all HIV transmission is through heterosexual sex. Circumcision ticks all the boxes."

      Don't Get Stuck With HIV

      "Man muss diese versteinerten Verhältnisse dadurch zum Tanzen zwingen, dass man ihnen ihre eigne Melodie vorsingt!" K.M.
    • Äußerst lesenswerter Artikel - nicht nur die bereits zitierte Stelle. Bemerkenswert fand ich auch diesen Vergleich:

      "This is not so much a community level intervention as a community level experiment. The only people I’ve found who seem to be aware of this is the proponents of VMMC. Is it unfair of me to compare this to the Guatemala syphilis experiment, referred to by Barak Obama as a crime against humanity? Or is it more like the Tuskegee syphilis experiment, referred to by Bill Clinton as racist?"

      Man muss es wohl so sehen bzw. nein, das ist nicht unfair...