"Were we fooled?"

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    • "Were we fooled?"

      ...fragen sich simbabwische Journalisten:

      According to the latest Zimbabwe Health Demographic Survey 2010-2011, the HIV prevalence rate among circumcised males between the ages of 15 and 49 in Zimbabwe is higher than that of uncircumcised males.
      The prevalence rate among the circumcised is 14 percent while that of the uncircumcised is 12 percent.

      In 2007, the World Health Organisation recommended male circumcision as an HIV preventive measure based on three sub-Saharan African randomised clinical trials into female-to-male sexual transmission.
      In light of the latest research outcomes pointing to higher HIV and Aids prevalence among circumcised young men compared to their uncircumcised peers, many Zimbabweans are understandably in shock after they were made to believe that it was supposed to work the other way round.
      Observers have been quick to express apprehension over how promotion of circumcision has taken apparent precedence over other tried and tested methods such as abstinence and condom use, which have apparently taken a back seat.
      While the debate on the effectiveness of male circumcision rages on, Zimbabwe has over the past two decades managed to halve its HIV prevalence rate largely due to the promotion of abstinence and condom use. The question now on many people’s minds is whether there is a link between the advent of mass circumcision and the increase in HIV prevalence among circumcised youths.

      However, what is clear to many is that circumcised youths have turned to sexually risky behaviour in the false belief that circumcision gives them an “invisible condom”.
      Others are of the view that Africa might have been sold a ruse by the WHO in cahoots with Western researchers.

      While it is becoming clear that enough may not have been done by individual African countries to ascertain the authenticity of the WHO-led research, many are now waking up to the sad reality that circumcision may not be the miracle solution that they had hoped it would be.


      Last year prominent HIV and Aids researchers Gregory J. Boyle and George Hill questioned, in a scathing research paper, the logic behind circumcision.
      “Since male circumcision diverts resources from known preventive measures and increases risk-taking behaviours, any long-term benefit in reducing HIV transmission remains uncertain,” they concluded.

      Boyle and Hill challenged the methodological, ethical and legal concerns of randomised clinical trials.
      “Why were the trials carried out in countries where more intact men were HIV positive than in those where more circumcised men were HIV positive?
      Why were men sampled from specific ethnic groups? Why were so many participants lost to follow-up?” questioned Boyle and Hill.
      These and several other questions remained unanswered prior to the recommendation of male circumcision. However, the programme was still foisted on poorer nations.

      Powerful organisations such as UNAIDS, the WHO, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation have been at the forefront of financing the circumcision crusade despite its apparent flaws.
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    • "to big to fail" Prinzip ;)
      Art. 2 GG:
      (2) Jeder hat das Recht auf Leben und körperliche Unversehrtheit. Geschuldet der deutschen Vergangenheitsbewältigung gilt dieses Grundrecht ausdrücklich nicht, wenn die Person a) ein Kind und b) männlich ist, c) die Eltern entweder jüdischen oder muslimischen Glaubens sind und d) das kindliche Genital das Ziel der Versehrtheit ist.
    • sol1 schrieb:

      According to the latest Zimbabwe Health Demographic Survey 2010-2011, the HIV prevalence rate among circumcised males between the ages of 15 and 49 in Zimbabwe is higher than that of uncircumcised males.
      The prevalence rate among the circumcised is 14 percent while that of the uncircumcised is 12 percent.
      Das bestätigt auch andere Ergebnisse. Die angebliche HIV-Prophylaxe ist ein katastrophaler Irrtum.
      Aufrichtig zu sein kann ich versprechen, unparteiisch zu sein aber nicht. (JWvG)
      Auch für die Religionsfreiheit gilt: "Freiheit ist immer nur die Freiheit des anders Denkenden." (R.Luxemburg)