Circumcision May Lower Risk For Prostate Cancer

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    • Circumcision May Lower Risk For Prostate Cancer

      But the difference in circumcision status between the groups in the latest studies wasn't huge — only about four percentage points. Around 65 percent of the men in the cancer group had been circumcised before their first intercourse versus 69 percent in the comparison group.
      The researchers were circumspect about circumcision as cancer protection. "I would not go out and advocate for widespread circumcision to prevent prostate cancer," Jonathan Wright, a urologist at the University of Washington med school author of the study, told Reuters Health. "We see an association, but it doesn't prove causality

      Man kann auch die Jungen gegen den HPV impfen vor ihren ersten Sexualkontakten, so wie man das bei den Mädchen tut.
      Circumcision May Lower Risk For Prostate Cancer : Shots - Health News : NPR
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