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Angepinnt Knabenwohlbeschneidung?

1 602


Angepinnt Rebecca Dekker, Anna Bertone: Evidence and Ethics on: Circumcision

0 +1 1.276

Angepinnt Polen: Medizinische Beschneidungsrate in Polen bei 4,6%.

5 6.807


The “Excess Skin” Myth, Male Genital Mutilation, and Foreskin Trafficking in the United States

0 281

Nur in ganz seltenen Ausnahmefällen ist eine vollständige Beschneidung (Zirkumzision)...

0 +2 317

Die Studien aus den "Paper Mills"

0 370

WHO language excludes other forms of equally non-consensual genital cutting

0 373

Phimose bei Erwachsenen

0 393

It's Money that matters - in the USA

0 413

Many boys in the UK ‘are likely to live out their lives with an intact prepuce’

0 +1 436

Nekrotisierende Fasziitis - eine schreckliche Komplikation "A rare case of necrotizing soft tissue infection following circumcision of buried penis"

0 457

"this circumcision is the thing they are most afraid of"

0 490

Die AAP empfiehlt weniger Opioide bei Vorhautamputationen von Kindern

0 511

Information on Newborn Male Circumcision: Is YouTube a Reliable Patient Resource?

0 528

Is it time for a time-out? Progress versus politics in studying the psychosexual implications of penile circumcision

0 541

"the belief that circumcision conferred complete protection from STIs"

0 560

Dapagliflozin: Phimose als Arzneimittelnebenwirkung

3 560


A bibliometrics analysis about male prepuce with Machine Learning

0 567

Potentially under-recognized late-stage physical and psychosexual complications of non-therapeutic neonatal penile circumcision

0 578

Versteht das einer? "Participants who were not circumcised reported significantly greater happiness with their circumcision status..:"

0 608

..from a 2-year-old apparently healthy subject...

0 621

Circumcision versus Preputioplasty for BXO - a randomised controlled feasibility trial

0 690

"Leave the foreskin alone"

  • werner
  • werner
0 717

The most frequent circumstances leading to a conviction were....

0 735

Juchhu! Decline in Frequency of Newborn Male Circumcision

0 +3 736

Physical, Sexual and Psychological Effects of Male Infant Circumcision

0 745

Current routine circumcision rates declined...

0 +1 748

"high levels of pain and anxiety"

0 +3 753

Das große elterliche Missverständnis - die Vorhaut

0 780

Fournier’s gangrene

0 793

And he can’t consent because…?

0 798

Beschneidung am BJK anno 1992

  • werner
  • werner
0 799

Darby: Syphilis 1855 and HIV-AIDS 2007: Historical reflections

0 803

"The foreskin is usually more easily accessible than other tissues"

0 804

"... einem Arzt vergleichbar befähigt..."

  • werner
  • werner
0 807

Morten Frisch:Circumcision without anaesthesia

0 807

Videos der Vorträge von Dr. Matthias Schreiber beim Wissenschaftlichen Symposium "Genitale Autonomie" am 6. Mai 2014 in der Universität zu Köln

0 809

Gebt dem Kleinen Dope!

0 810


  • werner
  • werner
0 812

Nachblutungsrisiken und Handhabungsempfehlung

  • Ventus
  • Ventus
0 812
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    554 Themen - 2.627 Beiträge (0,62 Beiträge pro Tag)