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Angepinnt Knabenwohlbeschneidung?

1 639


Angepinnt Polen: Medizinische Beschneidungsrate in Polen bei 4,6%.

5 6.851


Angepinnt Rebecca Dekker, Anna Bertone: Evidence and Ethics on: Circumcision

0 +1 1.294

....gerade in Bezug auf die Durchführung einer Zirkumzision kritisch zu betrachten....

6 +2 4.512


..from a 2-year-old apparently healthy subject...

0 626

‘Congenital phimosis’ was one of a number of pseudo-pathologies

0 974

‘Why did I circumcise him?’ Unexpected comparisons...

0 1.274

" ...oder Enuresis bei Jungen vor der Beschneidung"

2 2.218


"... a negative effect on the duration of breastfeeding"

1 2.592


"... einem Arzt vergleichbar befähigt..."

  • werner
  • werner
0 812

"...erste erfolgreiche Penis-Transplantation der Welt"

14 6.267


"...the religious beliefs...were directly related to publication productivity about circumcision"

0 1.142

"Beschneidung ist ein würdevolles Ereignis"

  • werner
  • Ava
11 7.015


"Beschneidung" schützt auch vorm Saufen und vor Vielfickerei!

10 4.855

Dagmar Rehak Wien

"circumcision was associated with less erectile function"

0 +1 1.382

"Die nicht retrahierbare Vorhaut - eine Indikation zur Zirkumzision?"

4 +3 3.062


"Eine Beschneidung ist keine Bagatelle"

1 +4 2.368


"Es bleibt ein Restschmerz"

11 4.905


"Following informed consent"

1 1.314


"high levels of pain and anxiety"

0 +3 759

"if you do 10 a week, that's over $1,000 a week, and they don't take that much time."

1 +1 1.927


"It might place the patient in a state of mutilation"

0 868

"Krieg der Spermien" von Jesse Bering und Gordon Gallup

13 6.067


"Leave the foreskin alone"

  • werner
  • werner
0 722

"medically-indicated circumcision of <9 year-old boys"

0 1.030

"Mehr sensible Nerven als in der Fingerspitze"

  • werner
  • Ava
3 2.171


"Morally impermissible"

0 2.058

"Niedrige Beweggründe"

  • werner
  • Weguer
3 2.834


"Not protected from the risk of abuse"

0 1.322

"Of course, we can't ask children if they feel any pain"

6 3.159

Maria Werner

"Patientenaufklärung" à la Dr. Karin Janke und Dr. Claudia Krallmann (Deutsches Urologenportal)

1 2.982


"Possible benefits of childhood circumcision do not outweigh the reported complication rate"

  • werner
  • Ventus
1 1.529


"proved to be insufficient for proper pain control"

3 1.156


"Sensory innervation of the human male prepuce: Meissner's corpuscles predominate"

2 +3 1.548


"the belief that circumcision conferred complete protection from STIs"

0 564

"The foreskin is usually more easily accessible than other tissues"

0 808

"this circumcision is the thing they are most afraid of"

0 508

"This tissue that otherwise would just go in the trash"

0 1.241

"to consider infant circumcision as a harmless procedure,... is a misconception."

0 1.020

"Wichtig dabei ist eine Ultraschalluntersuchung..."

2 1.630


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    554 Themen - 2.627 Beiträge (0,62 Beiträge pro Tag)