Argumente gegen Beschneidung

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They cut off part of my penis!!

0 1.140

Ein Tabu mit unabsehbaren Folgen

0 1.022

Hear Their Voices!

0 833

PowerPoint-Präsentation zur Beschneidung von Kindern als Videostream (in Englisch)

0 2.369

Circumcision, Science, and Religion

  • werner
  • werner
0 1.073

Whose body, whose rights?

0 10.507

Ein Mann beschreibt sein Leben mit Vorhaut

0 1.580

"I love Foreskin"

  • werner
  • werner
0 1.345

Die Stimme der Krankenschwestern

  • werner
  • werner
0 1.516

Alice Miller

  • werner
  • werner
0 1.525

Call to circumcise ignores the evidence

  • R2D2
  • R2D2
0 1.436

Rob Rasch - Victim of Bris Milah

0 1.091

I used to have very intense orgasms...

0 1.196

Hannah Wallen: No justification for routine neonatal circumcision

0 1.285

Non - Therapeutic Male Circumcision by Hugh Young

0 1.318

Why We Decided Not To Circumcise Our Son - Böse Schwestern

0 1.260

Eine amerikanische Krankenschwester erzählt

0 1.517

Intactivisten sprechen über die Vorhautamputation in einem Fernsehbeitrag der HuffPost

0 1.231

Circumcision and the Foreskin, with Dr. Dean Edell

0 1.767

Europe has more Foreskin

0 +1 1.607

Brian D. Earp: "Male circumcision: Who should decide?"

0 1.550

Ron Goldman: Circumcision Results in Harm Not Benefit

0 +2 1.432

Circumcision causes sexual and psychological harm

0 +1 1.268

5 Reasons Why I Won't Apologize For Refusing To Choose Circumcision

0 1.602

Drag Race Star Courtney Act über BGM und so weiter

0 1.366

Die grüne Jugend in Schweden

0 +1 1.674

Most men ...will realise the persistent discomfort and irritation of the glans.

0 1.776

"...but what of the ethics?"

0 1.478

Cemal Knudsen Yucel: "Can I get my foreskin back?"

0 +2 3.079

Reasonable Disagreement and the Neutralist Dilemma

0 3.380

Kai Möller: Let's talk about circumcision

0 2.430

"... and the apparent problem eventually disappeared..."

0 +2 1.969

Delaney White: Fate of the Foreskin

0 +1 19.432

Bad Medicine: Men matter too

0 +1 3.658

Beschneidung, Beschneider und Beschnittene

0 2.307

Zero tolerance for genital mutilation: a review of moral justifications

0 3.529

Circumcision destroys Love

0 +5 1.806

...the natural beauty of the foreskin — a body part "subject to a lot of brutality"

0 +2 1.708

No medical justification for performing a circumcision

0 +3 777

Die kindliche Penisvorhaut im Wirkungskreis von Tabus, Medizin und Politik

0 +2 607
  • Statistik

    96 Themen - 397 Beiträge (0,09 Beiträge pro Tag)